Position | Department | Disciplinary field | Application deadline |
1 Full Professor | Mathematics (DM) | Differential equations and dynamical systems | 20.12.2024 |
Full Professor position opened for the Department of Mathematics (DM) of Instituto Superior Técnico, in the disciplinary field of differential equations and dynamical systems.
The selected candidate will be hired through the celebration of an employment contract in public functions, aiming at a tenured position, after a 1 year trial period.
Candidates must hold a PhD degree for more than five years, by the deadline of application, as well as the title of “Agregado”.
- Carry out, develop, conduct, and lead cutting-edge scientific research projects, and be active in acquisition of external research funding;
- Teach courses at undergraduate (Bsc), graduate (Msc) and post-graduate (Phd) levels, and inspire students through teaching and supervision;
- Be responsible for activities related to the university representation, scientific divulgation and knowledge transfer to society;
- Carry out top faculty managing activities as well as other high responsible activities as a senior faculty member.
Desired skills and experience
Focus candidate: Senior academic staff with consolidated high quality research activity, with proven experience in leading scientific research projects that intend to play a leading role in a research unit.
Applicants should have the following qualifications:
- PhD degree in differential equations and dynamical systems or a related area with interest in the scientific field of this competition and the title “Agregação” awarded by the Portuguese Universities;
- Strong and top quality publication record;
- Strong record of awarded grants;
- Strong leader skills;
- Ability to provide inspiring teaching (in English and/or Portuguese);
- Ability to deal with scientific/engineering challenges in contact with industrial partners;
- Ability to set up, manage and lead either European or international research networks in cutting-edge scientific areas related to this competition;
- Ability to motivate and coach research teams;
- Ability to embrace top managing duties within the faculty.
Please refer to section V of the public notice for detailed information.
€ 70 133,70 a € 81 207,56 gross salary per year, plus health coverage and other benefits. Other salary supplements are linked to participation in R&D projects.
Starting date
The position should start during the academic year of 2024/25.
How to apply
Step 1 – Sign up at the call’s platform
Go to the call for applications platform and register as candidate.
You will have to provide your full name and an email address (please make sure your email address is spelled correctly and is active throughout the application process).
If you have any questions, contact recrutamento@drh.tecnico.ulisboa.pt
Step 2 – Platform access
Check the inbox of the email you provided at sign up.
You will receive the URL that should be used to upload the following documents, that are required to complete the application (please refer to section IX of the public notice for detailed information):
- Application form (DOCX, 47KB)
- Curriculum vitae
- Synopsis of the most relevant academic contributions (see synopsis guidelines)
- PDF version of the most relevant scientific publications
- Scientific and pedagogical project (see project guidelines)
- Other relevant works
- Signed declaration on honour (DOC, 5KB)
Step 3 – Upload documentation
Upload the required documents (you may add or substitute documents until the application deadline) (see quick guide to submit documents).
Step 4 – Final submission
Final submission of your application is a MANDATORY STEP if you wish your application to be considered for evaluation.
To do so, please click on the “SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION” button that you find in the Application platform (until the application deadline).
Please note that after this step you will not be allowed to add/change/delete any previously submitted document.
Supporting Documents
- Full public notice (PDF, 210KB)
- Application form (DOCX, 47KB)
- Synopsis of the most relevant academic contributions guidelines (PDF, 302 KB)
- Scientific and pedagogical project guidelines (PDF, 205KB)
- Declaration on honour (DOC, 5KB) | Declaração de honra (DOC, 4KB)
- Quick guide to submit documents (PDF, 564KB)
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